- gradational verb
- сильный глагол, имеющий чередование по абляуту
English-Russian glossary of linguistics terms. 2014.
English-Russian glossary of linguistics terms. 2014.
dillydally — verb postpone doing what one should be doing He did not want to write the letter and procrastinated for days • Syn: ↑procrastinate, ↑stall, ↑drag one s feet, ↑drag one s heels, ↑shillyshally, ↑dilly dally … Useful english dictionary
graduated — adjective 1. marked with or divided into degrees a calibrated thermometer • Syn: ↑calibrated • Participle of verb: ↑calibrate, ↑calibrate (for: ↑calibrated) 2. taki … Useful english dictionary
PSALMS, BOOK OF — This article is arranged according to the following outline: < <title> > place in the canon number of psalms verse division division into books composition of the psalter date of the psalter ascription to david types of psalms psalms… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Photo manipulation — For more details on the technical processes involved, see Image editing. Photos composited and manipulated in Photoshop Photo manipulation is the application of image editing techniques to photographs in order to create an illusion or deception… … Wikipedia
teetertotter — I noun a plaything consisting of a board balanced on a fulcrum; the board is ridden up and down by children at either end • Syn: ↑seesaw, ↑teeter, ↑teeter totter, ↑teeterboard, ↑tilting board, ↑dandle board • … Useful english dictionary
gradation — [grə deɪʃ(ə)n] noun 1》 a scale of successive changes, stages, or degrees. ↘a stage in such a scale. 2》 a minute change from one shade, tone, or colour to another. 3》 Linguistics another term for ablaut. Derivatives gradate verb gradational… … English new terms dictionary
heehaw — /hee haw /, n. 1. the braying sound made by a donkey. 2. rude laughter. v.i. 3. to bray. [1805 15, Amer.; imit. gradational compound] * * * heehaw /hēˈhö/ intransitive verb (of a donkey, etc) to bray noun A bray ORIGIN: Imit … Useful english dictionary